Galeria Bruno Múrias is located in Lisbon and currently represents thirteen national and international artists. Their works differ in terms of the plastic and expressive multiplicity they explore, but they converge by sharing some of the meanings, symbols and materialities they use. This convergence becomes the common thread of the gallery’s vision based on the valorization of certain formal, thematic and investigative aspects that punctuate contemporary artistic proposals.
From this set of aspects, one can highlight, on the one hand, the work around the possibilities of reading the artistic object or its transformation through fictional games, in the symbolic subversion of the work’s codes or through the “updated” reintegration and activation of certain archeologies of art that thus add relevant layers of meaning to the works; along the same lines, it is worth mentioning the investigation of the formal and conceptual dimensions of the media used, which vary between the traditional media of art – such as painting, sculpture or drawing – and more contemporary media – such as photography, film, video, sound or performance -, whose material, digital or mechanical peculiarities give the artistic object new possibilities of perception and understanding; on the other hand, the questions related to the body – the body in the work, or in work, in space and with space – and the experience of the contemporary world, or, more concretely, the critical equation of this social and political experience, of its own transience between the public and private spheres, the terms of the habitable place, the living body within the built urban space, the limits and possibilities of interaction or escape.
The artists represented by Galeria Bruno Múrias are: António Júlio Duarte, Bruno Cidra, Henrique Pavão, Jorge Queiroz, Julian Rosefeldt, Marcelo Cidade, Marco Franco, Pablo Accinelli, Paulo Lisboa, Ricardo Jacinto, Rui Calçada Bastos, Teresa Murta and Vera Mota.

Address:Rua Capitão Leitão 10-16, 1950-051 Lisboa
Phone:+351 218680241
Web Page:
Opening Hours during LAW: Thu.—Sat. 15:00-20:00