Galeria NAVE
NAVE opens on May 2019, with the resolution of being a cooperative agent in the Art system. Developing a diversified program of artists, with different mediums that were not part of the usual gallery circle and who also were not represented by any, most of them because of their fresh careers.
The Gallery’s name itself it’s the identity of a collective without a single name or face, symbol of a metaphorical vehicle to a dream, where everything is possible: growth and increase without geography or physical boundary.
In 2021, NAVE started is line of international projects focus on offering new exhibition stages for Portuguese artists and also foreigner’s artists, through collaborations with institutions, galleries and independent spaces. This cooperation model allowed us to redefine the professional artistic development, promoting them internationally and contributing to their raise in other stages and players. The opportunity to have access to central and northern Europe brings Portugal’s peripheral geography closer to the rest of Europe.
NAVE presents a regular and consistent program of international exhibitions and fairs throughout the year.

Address: Travessa do Noronha, 11B 1250-168 Lisboa
Phone:+351 211374840
Web Page:
Opening Hours during LAW: Thu.18:00-21:30 Fri.—Sat. 12:00-19:00